What should I bring?
While not required, participants may choose to bring:
- folding chairs or picnic blankets
- refillable water bottles
- feast bundles: plate, bowl, cutlery
- skirts for Sunrise Ceremony
- hand drums or shakers to participate in the Open Hand Drum Circles
- takeaway containers in case of extra food
- beading, sewing, or other art to work on
What time does the Gathering start?
The Sunrise Ceremony will begin at 7am.
See full details of the day's schedule here.
What if it rains?
The day will run, rain or shine. Please dress for the weather.
We have rented a number of large tents which will provide shelter.
If there is lightening or strong wind we will not go out in canoes to plant or gather Mnoomin.
Where will I park?
The majority of Lime Kiln Park will be Pedestrian-Only.
Parking is available at the Curve Lake Health Centre, the Community Centre, the Cultural Centre, and in the large parking lot at the Aquaponics Facility.
A wheelchair accessible small school bus will run continuous circuits throughout Curve Lake to bring participants to and from their vehicles and the Park. Please wave the school bus down if you wish to board.
Elders may be dropped off in the Pedestrian Only area, but we ask that their vehicles are then parked in the designated parking areas.
An Accessible Parking area will be designated in the South portion of the Park.
Please see this dedicated page for maps and more information.
Can I use Public Transportation to get to Mnoominkewin?
The Link bus service will run for free between Trent University and the Curve Lake Community Centre. More information about the schedule of the bus service will be available on this website in the coming days.
See this dedicated page on our website for more information including the schedule, once it is available.
What if I don't want my image recorded on photo or video?
Please let the volunteers at the Welcome Table know if you would not like your image to be recorded and shared after the Gathering on our website, on social media, and/or in promotional materials. The volunteers will let the photographer and videographer know if you do not want to be included in this.
Where do I go when I arrive?
Please sign in at the Welcome Table which will be under a tent just off the Arbour. The volunteers will orient you to the day and give you a ticket to enter in the Give Away Draw.
Will there be fireworks at Mnoominkewin?
No, there will not be any fireworks this year.
Can I camp at the Lime Kiln Park?
Free camping is available at Lime Kiln Park the night prior to and after the Mnoominkewin Gathering. Portapotties will be available for use. There is no running water or hydro hookups.
Please set up your campsite in the periphery of the park (away from the large event tents which will be set up by Organizers) and clean up your camp site prior to leaving.
How can I donate to the Mnoominkewin Gathering?
The Mnoominkewin Gathering is offered for free to all participants thanks to the generous support of organizational sponsors and private individuals.
Tax-deductible donations can be made online through our partnership with Public Energy Performing Arts.
How can I complete the Mnoominkewin Community Mnoomin Survey?
Everyone is invited to complete a survey to express their opinion about Mnoomin.
Entrants will have a chance to win a 5lbs bag of Mnoomin. The draw will occur at the Mnoominkewin Gathering.
Members of Curve Lake First Nation can complete the survey at this link.
People who are not members of Curve Lake First Nation can complete the survey at this link.