Parking and Shuttle Bus
A free bus will be running between Trent University and the Curve Lake Community Centre from 7:30am - 8:45pm. Please see this page on our website for more information.
There will be limited parking available at the Pow Wow Grounds. Most of the Pow Wow Grounds will be Pedestrian-only.
Accessible parking will be marked and will be at the base of the hill to the left.
A Drop-Off area in the Pow Wow Grounds can be used to drop off people and supplies and then park along the road or in parking lots at the Health Centre, the Community Centre, the Cultural Centre, or the Large Parking Lot. Please see the map for the location of the Drop-Off area and the Parking Lots.
A wheelchair accessible mini school bus shuttle will be driving in a circuit from the Pow Wow Grounds throughout Curve Lake to shuttle people from their cars to the Pow Wow Grounds from
9am - 6pm. There is no set schedule for the shuttle bus. It will run a continuous circuit.